Catherine in the window of the Magpie Collective, Waterford City

Introducing... Catherine from Mily Designs!

If you follow our Instagram, you'll know Catherine well already as she is one of the members of the Magpie Collective :) 

Catherine started Mily Designs in 2013 and her highlight has been opening the Magpie Collective in Waterford City in 2024. Local to Waterford with an Oceania twist, Catherine designs colourful, vibrant and sustainable apparel and re-useables. She tells us about the importance of insurance and where to get drive through coffee in Waterford city <3 


1. Have you ever come close to quitting?  If so, what changed your mind?
Yes, still processing pros and cons to quitting to be honest
2. What are your biggest influences? Any favourite artists, practices, craftsfolk, musicians, entrepreneurs?
There's this lady on tiktok that makes things out of glass, crowns, chess pieces and she's just started making false nails out of glass, she even created these finger wraps so you can attach the glass nails to your fingers, it's pretty cool.
3. Any words of wisdom for someone just starting out?
Get insurance, treat it like a real business, otherwise it's just an expensive hobby.
4. Do you have some plans or dreams for the future? Tell us your visions! 
Not really, I opened a shop, next step retirement 🤣
5. If you do live in Waterford, give us some recommendations! eg. good places for a coffee or pint, places to eat and drink, museums to visit, things to do
Anywhere I can just drive through, coffee shop on the old cork road is pretty good!
(Pssst pssst the BTwenty7!)
6. Want to give any shout outs? Whose work are you obsessed with at the minute?
Loving all the slips / vintage pieces from stbs, and they are so affordable!
7. Where can folks shop your products and find you online? 
Catch Catherine on Instagram @milydesigns and in store at the Magpie Collective in Waterford city. Shop her collection here <3 
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